Are you embarassed to say that you are suffering from Piles? You don't need to be anymore!
"Hemorrhoids" is the medical term for the condition commonly known as "Piles" and these are the mass formed by swollen and inflamed blood vessels in and around your anal region.
It has become a common problem now a days,and, may be due to our changed lifestyles like sedentary jobs,reduced physical activities, irregular food intake,etc.
Patients with age group between 20-39 years were found to have high incidence of hemorrhoids, ie., about 55%. And,men are most commonly affected.
Unlike other diseases, suffering from piles can be an embarrassing situation for atleast a few people. For the same reason, there are high chances to exploit these patients by quacks.
Let's see what's this condition, what causes it and it's treatment options:
Piles or hemmorrhoids are engorged veins in your anus or lower part of the rectum due to increased pressure in the veins of the anorectal area, although the exact cause is unclear.
Pregnancy, frequent heavy lifting, or repeated straining during bowel movements,due to constipation, use of certain drugs,etc may be the reasons for this increased pressure in the veins.
Hemmorrhoids can be of external, located under the skin around the anus, or internal which is present inside your anal canal (rectum).
About 50% of people experience this condition at some time in their life. In many people,the symptoms are not always obvious and some people don't even realise that they have piles.But when symptoms do present, the person may presents with following symptoms:
Bleeding, usually bright red, after a bowel movement.
Hard , painful lump hanging down outside of the anus, which may need to be pushed back in aftee a bowel movement.
Itching, soreness & redness a round the bottom.
Pain may be present during bowel movement.
Mucus discharge after passing stool.
When the symptoms are persistent, do not hesitate to consult your doctor to rule out any serious causes. Your doctor can diagnose hemorrhoids at the clinic by a simple examination and rules out the other causes of rectal bleeding such as Fissure-in-ano, Anal fistula,or more fatal conditions like Colorectal cancer.
How can you prevent it?
Life style changes which aims to reduce the stress on the blood vessels in and around the anal region. These includes:
Drinking plenty of water.
More fibrous food intake such as including more of vegetables,fruits, wholegrain rice,oats, wholewheat pasta and bread, pulses and beans and nuts.
Reducing your weight if you are obese.
Don't delay your urge to go to toilet - spending a long time in the toilet, straining also add to the fuel, so try improving these habits.
Regular excercises.
There are various options available for the treatment of hemorrhoids.
In some cases, spontaneous reversal of the symptoms occurs. For eg, piles which occurs during pregnancy often gets cured after the delivery. But may require treatment or even surgery if the symptoms are severe.
Treatment options mainly depend on the type and severity of hemorrhoids, patient’s preference, and the expertise of physicians.
Hemorrhoids are graded on a scale from I to IV. At grades III or IV, surgery may be necessary. But it may relapse even after multiple times surgeries.
Role of Homeopathy:
There are many clinical evidences that shows remarkable cure in the treatment of hemorrhoids using homeopathic medicines, that are safe and gentle and with no known side effects.
Individualised homeopathic medicine often gives a satisfactory result and the commonly used medicines include Nux-v , Aloes , Aesculus , Hamamelis , Acid Nit , Acid Mur , Sulphur , Negundium , Ars Alb etc.
The relapse rate is very minimal with homeopathic treatment.
Wishing everyone a speedy recovery with Homeopathy!