Do You Know?
PCOS is one of the most common endocrine disorders of reproductive-age women.
PCOS's main signs and symptoms are related to menstrual disturbances and elevated levels of male hormones (androgens) which is manifested by irregular or no periods, acne, obesity and excess hair growth.
Women with PCOS are at a higher risk for obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart diseases. With proper treatment, risks can be minimized.
Homeopathy treatment offering the individualized care of this syndrome.
What Is Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)?
Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), also known as, Stein-Leventhal syndrome, encompasses a syndrome of polycystic ovaries, in association with systemic symptoms causing reproductive, metabolic and psychological disturbances. Women with PCOS may have enlarged ovaries that contain small collections of fluid, called follicles, located in each ovary as seen during an ultrasound exam.
PCOS affects pre-menopausal women, and the age of onset is most often peri-menarchal (before bone age reaches 16 years).
What Causes It?
Though the cause remains unclear, the following factors may play a role:
- Abnormalities in the metabolism of androgens and estrogen and in the control of androgen production
- Excess insulin might also affect the ovaries by increasing androgen production, which may interfere with the ovaries' ability to ovulate.
- PCOS is also associated with peripheral insulin resistance and hyperinsulinemia and obesity amplifies the degree of both abnormalities.
- Hereditary factors-PCOS is not strictly inherited from parents to children, but it may run in some families.
Signs and Symptoms:
Symptoms typically begin in the late teens or early 20s. Not all symptoms occur in all women with PCOS. For example, some women with PCOS have some excess hair growth, but have normal periods and fertility. Symptoms can vary from mild to severe.
Irregularities in menses occur in about 7 in 10 women with PCOS: You may have heavy bleeding (menorrhagia), irregular periods that occurs between the expected menstrual periods(metrorrhagia), infrequent (at intervals of 35 days to 6 months, with < 9 menstrual periods per year (oligomenorrhea) or NO periods at all(amenorrhea).
Fertility problems: About 1 in 7 couples can have some problems conceiving a baby. PCOS is one of the most common causes of not being able to get pregnant (Infertility).
Excess hair growth (Hirsutism) in a male distribution pattern: Hair is commonly seen on the upper lip, on the chin, around the nipples, and along the linea alba of the lower abdomen.
Acne may persist beyond the normal teenage years.
Thinning of scalp hair (similar to male pattern baldness) occurs in some cases.
Weight gain: Nearly half of all women with PCOS are clinically obese.
Depression or poor self-esteem may develop as a result of the other symptoms
Possible Complications:
If you have PCOS, and left untreated, over time you may have an increased risk of developing,
Type 2 Diabetes
Diabetes in Pregnancy (Gestational Dm)
High Cholesterol
High Blood Pressure
Cancer of the Uterine Lining (Endometrial Cancer), Caused By Exposure to Continuous High Levels of Estrogen
Sleep Apnea
PCOS may be cured with the combined use of proper homeopathic medications with a healthy life style changes such as eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly, lose weight if you are overweight or obese.
Even though the treatment is a individualized approach, the homeopathic medicines which are commonly used in the treatment are Thuja, Pulsatila, Sepia, Natrum Mur, Borax, Medorrhinum, Syphilinum, Carcinosin etc.